Sunday, October 7, 2012


  So as you may have noticed, I haven't posted much in the last week. Well lets just say that shit really hit the fan in my house over the last week and a half. But I have learned from everything I have experienced over the last week, and am inspired to be even more self-sustaining over the next several years.
  Looking back on everything it seems that aside from the tragedy that struck my chicken coop yesterday (which I will talk about in another post), the worst and most influencing thing that happened to me and my partner was the local gas company disconnecting our gas. Yep, they came out several days ago and shut us off. And of course with the luck we had been having, within twenty-four hours of our gas being shut off, the temperature plummeted here in Iowa and the inside temperature of my house this morning was 45 degrees F. Well we fought with the company for several days, and finally in the end my sister-in-law was good enough to help us get it turned back on so we could have heat and hot water. Oh yeah I haven't had a shower in four days, gross right?
  I take personal responsibility for the fact that we paid the bill late due to our busy schedules, but I don't think that it was even remotely humane of them to shut our gas off when the weather forecast had predicted such cold weather. Well I won't lie, I am filing a formal complain to the board of utilities here in Iowa, but this experience has made me even more determined to become more and more self-sustained. So now I am planning on looking into getting solar panels that I can then tie into our heating system so that we can eventually just do completely away with using gas all together. Of course that won't be able to be achieved right away as, well if this hasn't taught me that I am financially poor, we will have to buy one at a time due to the high cost. But in the end we will be able to live a greener, more sustainable life. I think all in all its a win.

Ciao xo


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