Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Hawk's Lunch

I would like to think of myself as an animal lover, all around. But when something swoops down from the sky and MASSACRES one of my hens, all bets are out the window. If you are wondering what I am talking about, the answer would be a hawk. A Cooper's hawk to be more specific.

Now I have to be honest. It is a beautiful bird. But it is what it is, a Predator. And yes I capitalize that. In the Cedar Rapids area, it is on the top of the food chain when it comes to birds. And lets just say that my chickens aren't exactly at the top of the chain.
About two weeks ago, I came home from school and went to check on my girls, who are normally out free ranging in the yard as it is fully fenced. I could only find Oprah as she was laying her egg in the coop, but neither Katherine or Elizabeth could be found. Instead I found what everyone who raises chickens fears to find the most: nothing but a pile of feathers and bones.

Now granted that's not really my picture, I could never have brought myself to take a picture of it, but there are people out there who could. Anyway, I found Elizabeth later hiding in my neighbors yard, but I was furious.
 See here's the really frustrating thing. Hawks are federally protected by the Migratory Bird Act. I called and spoke with our local wildlife reserve office because not only did this hawk munch on Katherine for lunch, but the very next day the hawk was back terrorizing my remaining hens from outside their pen. It dove headfirst into the fencing, and then when it couldn't get in that way it sat trying to pull apart the fencing that was separating them from becoming a chicken dinner. But would you think that the DNR would be helpful or tell me that I at least have the right to protect my flock? The answer to that would be a big fat NO. I was told that if I so much as bother that bird that I can go to jail. Well let's just say that I didn't sit down, but it didn't get hurt either. There was no way that I was going to let my girls become that hawks next meal. I wield a broom rather well if I say so myself.

And a picture for you :)

Would you let that beautiful girl be eaten for lunch by a hungry hawk? I think not. 

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