Thursday, October 23, 2014

To be the tourist or not to be the tourist? Part One

Personally I am an off the beaten path traveller. Like any tourist I enjoy going to all the big things that everyone else does like the Eiffel Tower or the Great Pyramid of Giza, but over the years I have learned that I Despise (with a capital D) being around other tourists. I'd much rather spend my days in the life of those that inhabit the country I am visiting. That being said today was our tourist day (along with about an hour yesterday haha). Today we took a trip to Kings Cross Station to pick up our tickets to Salisbury and Bath as well as our tickets for Saturday to Inverness for the Scotland part of our trip. While there Tim posed at Platform 9 3/4 with the half vanished trolley. He stood in line for about twenty minutes just to get to the front to have the photographer walk away. Good thing my phone has a really decent camera. Honestly here's my advice on this. It's essentially the holy grail of locations for die hard Harry Potter fans like my dear husband, but the photo they take of you costs 10£. For comparison that is more expensive than a day pass to the transit system (off peak of course) and the flash on the camera they use is terrible. So with that I would say go up and have someone with another camera stand at the side and take the photo as their photographer does and save yourself 10 quid. 

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