Friday, November 7, 2014

More family roots discovered

To say there isn't much to do here in Skei during the off season would be an overstatement. Especially on a Sunday. Essentially the only places open in town on Sunday's here are the Christmas store and the gas station. After realizing this fact we decided to take the opportunity of nothing to do to explore the area. As Scotland  was my chance to discover my family history of distant generations so is Norway for Tim. You see on tims grandfathers side the family originally emigrated to the United States from this very area and there is even a sign that has the family name boldly painted on it. According to the owner of our apartment the town of Stardalen is basically inhabited solely by Flatjords or relatives of the Flatjord family. It's a pretty drive west of Skei and the first large farm you come to is owned by a Flatjord that is directly related to Tims family. If you continue along the single road west you will also have beautiful views of the valley, mountains and the glacier. It was exciting (at least to me) to be able to see the exact village where Tim's family comes from. It's like a homecoming of a long lost son. What a special day. 

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