Saturday, November 1, 2014

Road to Thruso

The view out our window this morning was just as beautiful as it was when we arrived. It was a gorgeous view to wake up to. After a full Scottish breakfast we decided to explore the coastline and drive out to Thruso. Now you might be wondering what the difference between a full English Breakfast and a Full Scottish breakfast is. The English has baked beans with it whereas the Scottish has black pudding. I like the black pudding better personally but Tim says it tastes weird and doesn't like it. The drive to Thurso was gorgeous and once you get out of Bettyhill the road widens back up to two lanes for the majority of the drive. Along the drive we also happened upon one markers that mark the borders of Mackay Country. Once you get to Thurso you will first notice the dark and gothic style of the buildings. There is something absolutely stunning about them though with the backdrop of the Scottish highlands. Unfortunately we were there too late in the season to tour Castle Mey and its gardens but it's a must see during the soring and summer months. Instead we just enjoyed a local coffee shop where Tim got the largest hot chocolate I have ever seen, and walking through the small stores before starting our trip back to Bettyhill. 

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